Lecture “Smart Home” from Karma Digital LTD and the International School of Interior Design by Lara German

Lecture "Smart Home" as part of the course of the International School of Interior Design by Lara German

On September 29, 2021, Karma Digital held a lecture “Smart Home” as part of the course “Architectural Supervision: Budget and Equipment” of the International School of Interior Design by Lara German.
The lecture was held at the Karma Digital office. The first, theoretical part of the lecture was held in the conference hall, after which the industry experts showed in practice how Smart House technologies work in our demo room.
The lecture was moderated by Andrey Suprun, Karma Digital engineer and Lutron brand manager.
As part of the training of interior designers, specialists shared their knowledge and many years of experience:
- what systems are included in the "Smart Home"
- how to use the capabilities of the "Smart Home" for the convenience of working on your project
- what tools allow you to make your project more attractive
- how to gain confidence in the implementation of your most daring ideas
- introduced to the novelties and advanced developments in the industry from the world's leading manufacturers
Karma Digital was founded in 1994 and represents on the Ukrainian market the products of the largest European and American manufacturers: audio / video equipment of the Hi-Fi and High-End class, car acoustics, home theaters, multi-zone sound systems "Multiroom", integrated systems "Smart Home ".